

"I'm grateful to be a practicing Christian. I'm always amazed when people say, 'I'm a Christian.' I think, 'Already?' It's an ongoing process. You know, you keep trying. And blowing it and trying and blowing it. The truth is all day long you try to do it, try to be it. And then in the evening, if you're honest and have a little courage, you look at yourself and say, 'Hmmm...I only blew it 86 times. Not bad.' I'm trying to be a Christian and the Bible helps me to remind myself what I'm about."

- Dr. Maya Angelou

Shawn Mullins from Atlanta is one of my favorite singer-songwriters. It was at a Mullins concert that I first heard the song Where's Johnny, written originally by James McMurtry, which contains an idea I have not been able to shake: "He saw both sides of everything. And he found he could not move."

I honestly feel this way about most things.

I see both sides. I hear multiple options. I usually struggle to take positions on issues because I think each case is different, and I value the nuance and eccentricities of each case more than I do most other things, including any particular position others wish I held.

Maybe it's because the woman I love is different from me in nearly every way; I hear her voice, thoughts, and opinions before making most moves. 

Wishy-washiness isn't something I strive for. But I often crawl towards certainty.

With one exception.

My indecision has one End, and it is this: I believe history finds its center and fulfillment in the person of Jesus Christ.

As an ordained minister and trained theologian, I value exploring intersections of faith and public life.