Shawn Mullins from Atlanta is one of my favorite singer-songwriters. It was at a Mullins concert that I first heard the song Where's Johnny, written originally by James McMurtry, which contains an idea I have not been able to shake: "He saw both sides of everything. And he found he could not move."
I honestly feel this way about most things.
I see both sides. I hear multiple options. I usually struggle to take positions on issues because I think each case is different, and I value the nuance and eccentricities of each case more than I do most other things, including any particular position others wish I held.
Maybe it's because the woman I love is different from me in nearly every way; I hear her voice, thoughts, and opinions before making most moves.
Wishy-washiness isn't something I strive for. But I often crawl towards certainty.
With one exception.
My indecision has one End, and it is this: I believe history finds its center and fulfillment in the person of Jesus Christ.
As an ordained minister and trained theologian, I value exploring intersections of faith and public life.